Calling all Experience Creators & ENVELOPE-PUSHERS


You are an awesome creative professional. A bad ass.

But you may also be struggling with honing in on which of your ideas is worth your prioritization, or overwhelm at the execution side of your projects.

Perhaps you haven’t gotten the recognition you deserve or claimed your place in the industry & need help elevating your profile & promoting yourself.

Perhaps you are great at the creative but know your systems & strategy & marketing could use some support.

Perhaps you are simply tired of juggling so much solo, pushing through by yourself, & ready to feel less alone.


Wouldn’t it be nice to have a cohort of smart humans outside your biz or job that hold a safe space to prototype & evolve your best ideas?

To have a weekly place to go to ensure you keep moving forward on what’s most important?


Together we will Design/Prototype, Evolve, & Polish our next OFFERING (making it so good that we become known for it). 


This is the only mastermind that is with/by/for experiential pros & entrepreneurs.

It is by invitation/application.

A High quality container without the high price tag most masterminds charge.


Joining gets you access to an experiential business coach & a small circle of powerhouse peers here to help you problem solve your sticking points & incubate your juiciest projects.

Hot seat business coaching & Group Feedback + consistent Accountability=
Producing polished Offerings Faster 



experiential business mastermind with Audette

What you get for joining as a founding member:

  • A Live group happening every week… yes that is 4x month!

    Every Tuesday.Rotating between:


    >Biz mastermind
    >Content Marketing Co-Work
    >Experience Design Framework Study
    >Share & Show feedback hot seats


Experience Design & Entrepreneurship training Intensives monthly.

Lead by me & Guest Experts. Including learning my Golden Experience Design Methodology.

Access to unlimited use of an awesome  Virtual Headquarters custom designed (by me)–complete with conference rooms, events spaces, video recording booths, & private client rooms.

(you can literally cancel zoom & have way cooler meetings & impress your friends & clients in there)

Quarterly in-person Content/Marketing retreats in Berkeley with support for marketing strategy & content creation


(pro photo & video shoot capabilties included as my studio is also a media studio)

If your Work lives in this Ecosystem… you are in the Right Place! 

Experiential Business Ecosystem Map by Audette

This program is about 2 things:

Connecting with awesome inspiring peers who can become friends & collaborators
& getting regular support for the business side of your biz.

Specifically, I will support you with these 3 Key P’s:

POSITIONING-– polishing & leveling up your branding, messaging & marketing so that you claim a clear powerful position in your particular area of the experiential business ecosystem

PROFITABLE PATHWAY$–deepening your favorite profitable path & strategizing or growing a new one

PRIORITY PROJECT— Clarifying & having accountability to stay focused on your priority project (each month or quarter… up to you)

secure your spot
Monthly themes for Experiential Business Mastermind - core topics
Rotating Focus of weekly group session in Experiential Business Mastermind
Audette Sophia Creative Entrepreneur- with Catalyst Arts Party Animals

Your Fearless Leader


I’m a wild creative out of the box dreamer & producer of awesomeness
who also happens to have 15+ year of experiential biz running under my belt + marketing training/savvy.  

This combo =  a fresh online community experience that also accelerates your success. 

I will curate the content & the participants so that this mastermind kicks a$s & helps you make big moves in 2022!


We Begin on February 1st! 

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Experiential Business Mastermind + custom designed virtual program ecosystem by Audette
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Blog- Content, Creativity + Biz

Blog- Content, Creativity + Biz